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How Do PTACs Work?

hvac ptac

PTACs are packaged terminal air conditioners (PAACs) that cool air before distributing it throughout a space. They offer cost-effectiveness, reliability, versatility, and energy efficiency. They come in various sizes and are suitable for apartments and condos. Despite initial costs, they are a practical choice for effective climate management.

Packaged Terminal Air Conditioner Services in Toronto

Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTAC) repair, maintenance, installation services

Armanch is a reputable HVAC company in GTA that specializes in Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners (PTAC) repair, maintenance, installation, and replacement services for residential, commercial, and condominium buildings. They offer emergency repair, annual maintenance, and upgrades, and offer various types of PTAC units, including electric resistance heaters, heat pumps, heat pumps with electric resistance heaters, and gas-fired heating.